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GnuCash Android

GnuCash for Android is no longer being developed.

189 results found

  1. Synchronization throught devices using open source services as owncloud or seafile? (everybody is using privative software like dropbox).

    Or maybe its own service as shoppinglist (
    The goal should be working through multiple devices and not depend of the data just of one device (in case get lost or something happens to it, data will be lost unless there is a backup out of the device).

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  2. 8 votes

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  3. add a search feature to retrieve the transaction by its description or others

    The current searching feature only finds the accounts, not transactions

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  4. allow "hard schedule" for future transactions. account balances as of future dates become more clear/useful if this is implemented

    scheduled actions don't show up in the account view, if they did, it would make it easier for people to understand impacts to balances due to future transactions.. if this is built, I think forward looking reporting would also become more useful

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  5. Transaction templates, so we can store frequent but non-periodic transactions, and add them with a single tap. Suggestions are not enough.

    If you export and delete the data often, transaction templates are the only way to enter recurrent non-periodic transactions in a sane manner

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  6. 31 votes

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    planned  ·  7 comments  ·  Admin →
  7. 82 votes

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    planned  ·  9 comments  ·  Admin →
  8. Improve account name representation

    It is difficult to find out in which account you are currently staying, when there is a significant nesting in account tree. Specifically, the full account name (with all parents) is displayed on top of the account page, but with large nesting the name does not fit. It would be good to improve this somehow. For example, it will probably be better to display the account name without parent accounts.

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  9. same data-base for portable and desktop GNUCash

    allow portable and desktop GNUCash to read the same data-base stored for example in a cloud such as Dropbox. In this way you don't need to export data from portable to desktop version, and you are able to access GNUCash everywhere. thank you

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GnuCash Android


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