GnuCash Android
189 results found
Display the information in Accounting Form
In Accounting, the accounts are listed in liquidity for Assets; Liabilities are listed in lowest value first; you can view any Accounting textbook to show the presentation of the chart of Accounts
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add manage of stocks like desktop sofyware
add manage of stocks like desktop sofyware
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2 votes
Перевести справку в мобильном приложении для Google Android на русский язык
В настоящее время на русский язык переведен интерфейс мобильного приложения. Однако, для небухгалтеров разобраться в назначении множества инструментов приложения очень сложно. Особенно, изучая его по англоязычной документации.
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2 votes
how to make transactions, I don't have this option
there is no option for me to make entries or enter transactions
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Bulk operations
Please, add possibility to select multiple transactions and move them to another account without doing it one by one
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Favorite as initial screen
Add the ability to choose starting screen to open "all" tab, or "favorite" tab instead of "recent"
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Add possibility to hide "recent" tab
It would be great to have option to hide "recent" and "favorite" tabs on main screen if they are not needed
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2 votes
If you could upgrade to full financial reporting, by adding income statement and cash flow statement
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customers and vendors should be controlled via Android app.
customers and vendors should be controlled via Android app.
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synchronized data with Google Drive...
Synchronized/Backup data with Google Drive
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On my new Galaxy S21, the categories are very dark. I can barely read them in bright light. They used to be black font on a white background
All pop up windows are black font on a black background.Is there any way to fix this?
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