Synchronization throught devices using open source services as owncloud or seafile? (everybody is using privative software like dropbox).
Or maybe its own service as shoppinglist (
The goal should be working through multiple devices and not depend of the data just of one device (in case get lost or something happens to it, data will be lost unless there is a backup out of the device).

Support for export/Backup to OwnCloud is currently in progress
Sotitrox commented
or just sync to local store file or dir, and sync with any sync app, rclone, owncloud, syncthing, nextcloud, google etc etc etc, just sync the actual db to a local storage file
Victor Tramp commented
Looking very forward to owncloud support!
AdminNgewi Fet (Admin, GnuCash) commented
It is currently possible to schedule backups to prevent data loss.
But we also plan some updates to backup/restore in the direction you mention.
Stay tuned