Improve account name representation
It is difficult to find out in which account you are currently staying, when there is a significant nesting in account tree. Specifically, the full account name (with all parents) is displayed on top of the account page, but with large nesting the name does not fit. It would be good to improve this somehow. For example, it will probably be better to display the account name without parent accounts.

Don Ireland commented
Possibly two lines with the first being the parent account trail (in a smaller size text) and the second line being the current account name (in the same size currently used).
wito commented
might not be the most elegant solution, but one could use first letters only for parent acounts, like in Usenet groups... eg. AC:wallet instead of Accounts:Cash:Wallet
Alex commented
Agree. It was just on offhand idea. I am sure there are better ways to handle this.
AdminNgewi Fet (Admin, GnuCash) commented
Displaying the account name without the full parent hierarchy can be confusing because of accounts with similar names