Configuration Option for Backup Location
It would be nice to have the option to place Gnucash-generated backup files in
a designated folder. This configuration setting might best appear on the same
Preferences tab as the Delete Backup Files preference. The preference pane
could display:
- the active backup folder (defaulting to the data file location),
- a folder selection widget, and
- a Select button to implement the change

Jshrek commented
A bunch of bugs were marked as duplicates, so this is the one that won out: -
Jshrek commented
Bugs have been moved, so this one got moved to here now: -
Michael Wenyon commented
Still a good idea.
Michael Convey commented
Back on March 1, 2011 the Admin comment above says:
The idea is well explained. The developers need to decide who’s going to work on this and when, but this idea will be considered in the near future.Now, six years later, what happened to "near future"
Michael Convey commented
The following files are in the "books" directory:
Name.YYYYMMDDXXXXXX.gnucash.YYYYMMDDXXXXXX.gnucashIs there a way to configure either of the following?
1) each file type to be in a separate directory.
2) the most recent of each to be in one directory and the remaining to be in a "books archive" directoryHaving all these filed jumbled together is not user friendly.
Jshrek commented
Corresponding Bugzilla item:
Jshrek commented
Yes I would definitely like to be able to put log files and backup files into a sub-directory (maybe called LOGS) in order to remove them from the main folder where the main .gnucash file is stored.
Mary Ferrulli commented
Would like this to be a networked folder too.
Willynux commented
These backup files could be placed by default inside a Backup folder next to the gnucash file to avoid polluting the gnucash folder and confusing users. This would already solve most problems reported here in the comments.
Jshrek commented
Yes, I would like to be able to specify a different directory for the .log files as they they completely overtake the gnucash directory especially when you have several different companies setup.
David commented
no one disputes the usefulness of .log and .xac files--just their location on the hard drive. The proliferation of backup files in a user's main data directory can be annoying at best, and lead to new users erroneously opening backups at worst.
While the names are longer, the naming convention places the timestamp immediately following the base filename and before the 'gnucash' extension, which means they sort ahead of the main file.
Placing these files in a separate Backup folder would largely eliminate these problems.
David T.
David L Carlson commented
Those .log files are a part of the backup strategy as they track changes since the previous backup. They should be disappearing on the same schedule that you set for the backup files. Since all those files have longer filenames than your data file, they should usually be further down the list than your data file
Admincstim (Core Developer, GnuCash) commented
Askarii commented
I used GnuCash for sometimes, and found it generates a lot log
files(XXXX.xml.2010*.txt or .xac) in the same directory of my account data
file. I have 3 account data file for different purpose, When I look the
directory, it's not easily to locate my data file.Could you let gnucash write those log files into seperate directory?
For example, my data file is on 'accounting' directory, and file name is
'mydata.xml'. Then create a directory 'accounting/mydata.xml.log/', and write
all log files into that folder. It will make the account data folder much