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469 results found

  1. version numbering to reduce winget confusion

    Perhaps starting with 6, could you always have 2 digits in the minor version (i.e. 6.00, 6.01, etc)? That would probably reduce winget's confusion about, for instance, 5.10. It knows that 5.10 is the current version, but seems to drop the zero and treat 5.10 as 5.1. That results in it downloading and reinstalling 5.10 every time I run an update check. Possibly related to the bug that forced skipping from Windows 8 to 10 - something would have treated a Windows 9 as 95 or 98. Having 2 digits with the leading zero should fix it if that's what's…

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  3. More granular entries for budgeting (with an itemized list)

    I would like to be able to have a single line for one item that needs to be budgeted, regardless if it is re-occurring on a monthly basis or just a one-time expense in, let's say May or ...any other given month.

    I would like to be able to move that entry to another month or category and then also perhaps change the value.

    So then I could have multiple items in a category... all of which make up the total for a month which gets calculated by GnuCash.


    For the category "eating out & order in", I could…

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  4. Have the description field resizable

    All fields except description and memo can be resized. Resizing the font can make other fields truncated. Most of the description and memo fields are just wasted real estate.

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  5. don't close saved reports configuration window after running a report

    I open the saved report configuration. I run a report. The windows closes. Now I want to run another saved report. I need to open the window again.

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  6. provide an option to allow the accounting period to be set on the command line.

    This would be the simplest solution allowing a user to maintain books with different accounting periods. If not specified, then the current operation of gnucash would be totally undisturbed. With this option, a user could have a one line script for invoking gnucash when they have to work with companies with different account periods.

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  7. I suggest you provide a way to print the Transaction Linked Documents, available on the Tools menu.

    I am the treasurer for a not-for-profit group. Our trustees review the books and records as part of our by-laws. Having a report of the Transaction Linked Documents would make it easier for the trustees to verify selected transactions.

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  8. Warum sperrt Windows11-Defender beim download von Version 5.9?

    Warum sperrt Windows11-Defender beim download von Version 5.9?

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  9. The ability to save the Export Transaction settings

    It would be nice to be able to save the Export Transaction wizard settings for commonly/regularly used export. I constantly have to set the same settings, select the same set of accounts, whenever I need to use the Export Transactions. For the export period, it would be nice to have an option to just select a month which then picks the 1st day of the month as the start and last day of the month as the end.

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  10. Include Accounts for Online Action - Issue Transaction - Template

    I can add all the details for an Online transaction. I can store the details in a template to use the same transaction the next time. However, if I make the online transaction from the template I have to manually select the referring accounts.

    I suggest that the accounts to which the transaction is to be booked to are stored with the template and as an otion may be detected by the Bayes algorithm. That saves every time to think about to which accounts the last booking of that typpe has been made to, (This may be only a feature…

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  11. exclude rules for Import Matching

    I like to add exclusion strings that should never be used to match anything. Now new errattic strings are generated each time: "Name:", "Account nr:", "description:", "JD" (my initials), "Mr.", "Smith" (my last name), "15-08-2024" or "22:58:13" (the specific date or time of a transaction).
    It seems very clear that the import matcher needs some work to exclude certain strings as well, espescially the ones that are on every bank transaction.

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  12. Distribute latest update in non-flatpak method.

    I use Lynix Mint. The lasted update for GNUcash flatpak distribution tells me that it is going to use 3.4 GB more disk space.

    Every flatpak distribution takes more and more disk space. This seems to be intrinsic to flatpak deployment. flatpak takes more and more disk.

    Disk space is neither free nor unlimited.

    Yours is not the only Flatpak distribution that take more and more disk with each update. It is a "feature' of the distribution method. I implore you to support a method that does not fill my

    I would use the "System" update, but it is stuck…

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  13. add the ability to email from gnucash

    add the ability to open an email client with the invoice details so that the invoice can be emailed from gnucash

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  14. make it easier to save setup so that session looks the same on different machines

    I use gnucash on two different computers. It would be nice that when I open the same file (at different times of course) on the two machines the settings transfer with the file. Things like scheduled transactions, which items are opened (like an invoice), colors, etc.

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  15. Ability to split payments across multiple invoices

    A vendor (e.g. Insurance company) that holds multiple policies and bills them separately but processes the payments as one line item. I would like to be able to split up a credit card or bank payment to multiple invoices. Each bill/invoice has a different start date and monthly/periodic amount.

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  16. Edit pop up dialogs to have keyboard shortcuts, especially for yes/no prompts

    Not all prompts (e.g. are you sure you want to delete this split) have a keyboard shortcut, an underlined Y or N for Yes/No. It would improve workflow to be able to use the keyboard to make menu choices.

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  17. Add an "Actual Year-to-Date" column to the Budget Report. I would like to see the totals by account and by month.

    In order for the budget report to be useful throughout the year, one needs to see the YTD each month, both budgeted and actual. This allows you to see where you are, ahead or behind, of your projection, and adjust as necessary.

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  18. Record capital gains in currency A for a stock traded in a different currency B

    I have been trading NASDAQ and NYSE stock denominated in USD via an european broker accound where I hold my cash in EUR.

    When buying or selling a stock in USD, a currency exchange is performed, so the whole buy/sell cycle looks EUR->USD->STOCK->USD->EUR.

    Thus, between buying and selling a stock lot, I may have a certain gain in USD, but a different value, even maybe a loss in EUR, due to EURUSD having fluctuated during the holding period.

    in the STOCK denominated account, when accounting the sale, I would like to record theCapital gain/loss Income in Euro and the sale/purchase…

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  19. Add an option to modify default selected accounts for reports

    Whenever I create a new report, I always have to go into the report options and modify the accounts to display to get a meaningful report. It would be nice to be able to save a new default.

    Currently the default accounts to display for a Cash Flow report are those located under: "Assets" and "Imbalance". That shows my income just fine, but the expenses are less meaningful. I always need to manually add "Liabilities" and "Transfers" to show details about where I spent money with my credit cards.

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  20. Bulk Change Income and Expense categories on QIF import

    When importing files from QIF, accounts and sub accounts are broken out individually. It would be a good feature to have the ability to group select or move accounts and sub accounts to a different place in the account hierarchy all at once.

    Auto -> Expenses:Auto
    Auto:car1 -> Auto:car1
    Auto:car2 -> Auto:car2
    Auto:car3 -> Auto:car3

    I would like to be able to select the car1/2/3 sub accounts and move them under the Expenses:Auto account as a singular action during the import setup.

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