version numbering to reduce winget confusion
Perhaps starting with 6, could you always have 2 digits in the minor version (i.e. 6.00, 6.01, etc)? That would probably reduce winget's confusion about, for instance, 5.10. It knows that 5.10 is the current version, but seems to drop the zero and treat 5.10 as 5.1. That results in it downloading and reinstalling 5.10 every time I run an update check. Possibly related to the bug that forced skipping from Windows 8 to 10 - something would have treated a Windows 9 as 95 or 98. Having 2 digits with the leading zero should fix it if that's what's happening.

Mike Brady commented
Turns out this is (of course) a winget problem. Bugs have been filed about it, and the source of the issue is fairly clear: an update in Fall 2024 that broke indexing when a version ends in "0" (zero). Has not been fixed (yet). Can be avoided by not having a version number ending in zero, or by having more than 2 parts (i.e. 5.x.x rather than 5.x0) which would be inconvenient. FWIW, GnuCash is apparently not alone in being affected; the original bug was filed regarding Firefox updates. So: important, but the ultimate fix lies elsewhere.