Auditing report to show what changes were made when (and, later, by whom)
Enable import CSV from HTTP
Create a Windows 10 Universal App with OneDrive sync and ability to have multiple users input in the same DB from different devices. · declined
Prevent accidental changes by locking a fiscal period
Android tablet version? · declined
Add user levels to control access to features/funds/reports (username/password), to control access to features, rather than to protect from
Create a report to show all unpaid invoices
Cleaning up payment lots · completed
Please. Place a countdown timer with adjustable time to lock the application or other solution. · under review
Hotkey Toggle for Reconcile Field Value
Import/export bugs
add a relative period option before end date in reports
import payments using CSV
implement a DATEV-Export for tax accountant/advisor (German)
make it easy to switch from Quickbooks.
Configuration Option for Backup Location · under review
Touch Interface GUI design · declined
Add more directory options for opening/importing files.
Provide for deletion of bills and vendors
Sync android app with desktop