Cleaning up payment lots
As mentioned in the post, the clutter created by payment lots in the the AR/AP accounts was raised but no solution was discussed.
I think the information would be more useful in a seperate register for payments made/recieve for vendor/customber invoices where invoice numbers, vendor/customers numbers are linked.
This may involve a redesign of the "Process Payment" dialog to include the above information which captures all the data relationships assciated with the payment data instead of storing the links in the ledgers.

Thank you for bringing this up.
Meanwhile gnucash 2.6.5 has been released which boasts a major cleanup of the lot link generation code. More precisely lot links won’t be created anymore unless a payment involves at least one invoice AND one credit note. That’s the only situation in which lot links are unavoidable.
In all other cases the payments are handled as before lot links were introduced, with the additional advantage of more fine-grained control over which invoice(s) to pay with a single payment.
Note that existing lot links are not cleaned up automatically. One should run “Check & Repair” on the A/R and A/P accounts for this to happen.
Lastly even though 2.6.5 contains the bulk of the improvements, I advise to use 2.6.6 instead as it has some fixes that prevent gnucash from locking up in certain circumstances when cleaning out the old lots.
AdminGeert Janssens (Core Dev, GnuCash) commented
Uhm, what do you mean with "no solution was discussed" ?
My follow up mail [1] explains that gnucash 2.6.4 will have all the changes necessary to eliminate almost all the lot links and won't create new ones unless at least one invoice and one credit note are involved.
What information remains that you want to track in a separate register ?