look up vendor addresses when printing checks
I print to many of the same vendors every month, using preprinted checks and window envelopes. I can print the check, but must fill in the address on every check. If there were a lookup of the vendor table and fill in the address, it would greatly simplify check printing. I would pay for this feature.

AdminGeert Janssens (Core Dev, GnuCash) commented
There are currently technical limitations in gnucash that make it difficult to implement a lookup for vendors when printing checks. Additionally vendors would not be sufficient. Employee vouchers and Customer credit notes may also be paid by checks, so lookups for those would be useful as well.
While not exactly what you are requesting, gnucash 2.6.12 will have the ability to print checks from the Process Payment window for Customers, Vendors and Employees. If these people/companies have addresses specified, these will be used for printing on the check.
In addition, if you didn't print a check when you processed a customer/vendor/employee payment, you can still print a check from the transaction that was generated from that payment. Again gnucash will figure out the address from the partner information associated with that payment.This new functionality does require the use of the business features. If you are not, there is no address information available.
Would this be sufficient to close your request ?
David L Carlson commented
Since many vendors or customers have multiple locations and multiple departments, there should be room for an "Attention:" field or department field as a modifier to point to a different address.
Admincstim (Core Developer, GnuCash) commented
I'm available for contracting work on features such as this one. Feel free to contact me via christian@cstimming.de - thanks!
flyboy commented
This works for using windowed envelopes. Very handy for bill paying.In the appendix of Tutorial & Concepts reference is made to positioning "ADDRESS" for printing but, at least in 2.2.9, I can't find where the payee's address is recorded and accessed. I use PCLINUXOS.