provide a means to export transactions
At present, only accounts can be exported. GnuCash should have an export facility, allowing all the transactions within a selected account (or all selected accounts) to be exported to format such as QIF, QFX or even CSV. There is a third-party Java program that does this, partly. GnuCash should do it well.

Thank you for your request. GnuCash 2.6.x supports a simple export of transactions to CSV. For 2.8.x this is being impoved to be able to export transactions in such a way that the exported file can be imported directly into gnucash again (allowing to move transactions from one file to another).
As for the option to export scheduled transactions together with Export Accounts, please file that as another request. This is another part of the code.
Thank you.
AdminGeert Janssens (Core Dev, GnuCash) commented
Hi Ngewi,
I'm afraid I don't know all the details. I suggest you ask on the gnucash-devel mailing list. It's Robert Fewell who as been working on improving the csv export lately.
AdminNgewi Fet (Admin, GnuCash) commented
Hi Geert,
Will this new format include support for multi-currency transactions?
Is there a ticket for the export format in 2.8.x on bugzilla where I can follow the development? I would like to implement it in the Android app when it becomes available.I think a portable export format would be a great addition to GnuCash Android. Right now, QIF does not support multi-currency transactions an is rather basic.
Cheers, -
Anonymous commented
It would be nice if the "File" - "Export" - "Export Accounts" Option would simultaneously also export the scheduled transactions that are associated with the existing accounts.