Add item count in the split
Another improvement which could simplify GnuCash usage is item count in the transaction. When I am buing N items of the same kind in a single transaction I can create N splits (which is not very convenient) or use one split and lost possibility of price tracking.
Things are even more complicated when I want to track price of petrol for example. The only way to do this is to create Petrol account ('currency' of this account is litre) and transfer from Cash through Petrol to Expenses.
Probably this 'special account' approach is the only one that fits double entry accounting. On the other hand, adding item count doesn't seem to be against GnuCash concepts.

Artur Chrusciel commented
I haven't noticed stock account type previously but I am aware that item counting can be done through another account (this is my "petrol example"). I'm only wondering why don't add easier way of defining transactions for users not interested in adding stock account for every good they are buying.
Stock approach fits better to business use case (where I am buying something to sell it in the future). For consumer only buying price is important. And this simple approach is easy upgradeable to stock concept as we are not loosing any information saving transaction.
Admincstim (Core Developer, GnuCash) commented
Then your request is probably what is available when using a "commodity" (stock shares or currency) account, where you have price and pieces for that commodity.
Artur Chrusciel commented
I don't fully understand inventory concept (I am home user with no background in professional accounting) but it seems to be more complex than my request. My point is just to have two additional (and optional) columns for transaction: "Item count" and "Item price". If they are not empty "Tot Spend" column is automatically calculated as Count * Price. That's all.
Admincstim (Core Developer, GnuCash) commented
Isn't this what the "inventory" feature request is about?