Display description of the split in Basic Ledger view
There is no easy way to edit transactions for the account if they are split. Let's say my transaction is:
- apple (account Food:Fruits)
- orange (account Food:Fruits)
- juice (account Food:Drinks)
When I switch to account Food:Fruits and use Transactional Journal, I can see item from account Drinks. If I switch to Basic Ledger it looks better - there are only two lines related to fruits. Unfortunately, only transaction title is displayed for them, so both lines are titled Shop.
I understand that displaying transaction title and split description for Basic Ledger is quite a big change (in fact it would be a new kind of view), but having at least a switch to enable displaying split description instead of transaction title shall be easier to implement.

Netto commented
This is very useful and it's not resolved by cstim's suggestion. I use these kind of transactions with my credit cards invoices which are splitted so I can put there every line of the real invoice. When I need a new point of view from the destination account I see several lines with the same description (for example: Credit card invoice - 2011/04) but what I'm really interested here is to see just the description under the splitted account. Changing the view mode is not enough because in this case, my credit card invoice has dozens of lines what is diffcult to visualize.
Artur Chrusciel commented
Thanks for a quick answer. Maybe I didn't notice an option for it, but using default configuration I can choose between:
1) Basic Ledger (I suppose this is single line view) which shows:
2) Transaction Journal which shows whole Shop transaction
3) Auto-split which combines 1 and 2What I would like to have is a view that shows two lines like a basic ledger but they are:
and there is no line for juice visible.My typical use case is editing entries in Books account where books are splits in big transactions (titled like 'Amazon - order XYZ') containing also music, movies or comics. I would like to see only lines for books when reviewing Books account.
Admincstim (Core Developer, GnuCash) commented
Have you experimented with the various view modes? Single-line vs. Split view. I thought this is already what you need. If not, please explain how the existing split view is not sufficient for you.