Limited Business Functionality for Mobile App
As a small business owner, I pretty much LIVE in the Android app. I can go for weeks without having time to get to my desktop computer. The trouble is, the "business" functionality (customers/vendors) is missing. So, if I buy something from one of my vendors with whom I have a Net-30 account, I can't put it in GnuCash (mobile); if I get paid by a customer who is on Net-30 with ME, I can't mark that invoice as paid.
Since the mobile app is not really designed to have the full database at its disposal, I understand that the ability to view account balances and all that would be missing. That's understandable. But the ability to post transactions TO those accounts so that they can be sorted out by the main program later would be a GREAT feature.
Also, as others have pointed out here: Estimating and invoicing could seriously be improved across the whole platform.
AdminGeert Janssens (Core Dev, GnuCash) commented
I have moved this request to the GnuCash Android forum as it is a request for the mobile app.