add historical cash flow bar chart
I would really like a barchart like the income/expense chart that shows my money in/out and net flow.
The reason I need this is that GnuCash correctly views my mortgage payments as reducing the liability and not as an expense.
So instead of accessing the profit and loss report for a particular month to get a detailed view of my money flow I now use the cash flow report for a particular month.
This works like a charm, but I would like to graphically see the trends in my money flows. Before I used the income/expense barchart with the net option enabled. This way I could see at a glance how much I save during the past periods and whether the trends in my net savings is still going OK.
Now I hoped that GnuCash would contain something like a bar graph where instead of income/expense bars it would state incoming/outgoing flow and a net flow bar.
Being a programmer myself I tried to accomplish this by combining net-barchart.scm and cash-flow-scm but Lisp style programming is so far out of my comfort zone that I could net get it working. I would be happy to share my attempt if that helps.
If you guys could add this, I would be really grateful! I saw some loose request on the web requesting this feature so I know more people would appreciate this option.
Note this request is different from the future cash flow request, although both request probably would need a common cash flow bar char renderer.