Resurrect the old Tax Report format
Previously, the user tagged accounts as 'tax-related' and could produce a quite usable Tax report from this.
Currently, the Tax Report is aligned with the US tax system, the report is unusable for most of the rest of the world and is difficult or impossible to produce work-arounds from.
My only work-around is to run an older version of GnuCash (with the 'proper' report format) in a virtual machine environment just to produce one report at tax time.
I have tried to install the desired report format from an older version, following instructions from one of the forums, but it crashed the application.

AdminGeert Janssens (Core Dev, GnuCash) commented
I'm in Belgium and "Tax Report Only -- No TXF Export" is available on my system.
Greg - John is referring to an option in the dialog to configure your accounts for tax reporting (Edit->Tax Report Options).
In order to use this dialog, you will first have to edit the Income Tax Identity in there (by clicking on the Edit... button). Enter an name and select a type other than None.
Now you can start marking accounts for inclusion in the tax report. By default they are added as "Tax Report Only -- No TXF Export".
Final note: I have played with this and found that even then the tax report itself is highly US oriented. It assumes a report currency of USD and will want conversion rates for all other currencies that might end up on the report.
Greg Sheppard commented
I'm in Australia
AdminJohn Ralls (Developer, GnuCash) commented
Hmm. It's present on my system, running in the US locale, but the tax stuff is locale sensitive. What locale are you using?
Greg Sheppard commented
There IS no (longer?) a "Tax Report Only -- No TXF Export" option. The one and only is the "Tax - TXF" one.
I guess I'll have to fiddle a bit more and try to come up with a report that works...
AdminJohn Ralls (Developer, GnuCash) commented
Have you tried using the "Tax Report Only -- No TXF Export" category for everything?
I don't use the tax report; I tried it out a few years ago and decided that the Income statement report worked better for me -- but I have my CoA set up in such a way that taxable and non-taxable income are separate as are deductible and non-deductible expenses.
If the Tax Report Only tax category doesn't do what you need, I suggest that you subscribe to and pose the question there. There are a lot of experienced users, many of whom aren't in the US, but all of whom must pay taxes. I'm sure they'll have some more suggestions for you.
Greg Sheppard commented
Thanks for the response.
I have two files that hopefully demonstrate the difference. If you can give me an email address I'll send them to you, as I cannot see how to upload them here.
I am currently running ver 2-6-4 R79bdcf1+ built 01 Oct 14 under Fedora 20.
I can only get a ‘sensible’ Tax report with ver 2-2-4 R16997M built 13 May 08 that I am
running with CentOS 6.3 in avirtual machine.I have tried to persevere with the current tax report, but the options for assigning
categories are too foreign to be useful.I have assigned my expenses and income to various accounts/sub-accounts and
previously had simply to declare them ‘tax related’ by clicking a box and the report
printed perfectly and gave me all the information needed by my accountant.I tried to load the older report format, using the instructions given in one of the guides,
but all it did was break GnuCash - it refused to load until I removed the imported
report. I just want to be able to produce a 'plain' report filtered on tax-related
accounts.I appreciate any advice on work-arounds that you can give.
Regards,Greg Sheppard
0429 943 886 -
AdminJohn Ralls (Developer, GnuCash) commented
That's interesting. AFAIK we've only ever had US and German tax reports, and neither has changed appreciably since they were introduced aside from being updated annually to reflect changes in tax law in those two countries.
What version of GnuCash had this more universal tax report?