File linkage to transaction
Currently in v2.6.0 there is a possibility to associate file or location to the transaction. However there is no possibility to unlink it. Also there is no 'symbol' to allow user to see there is a file/location linkage to the transaction. It should show up so user will be able to differentiate when transactions have a file associated or not.

This feature has been implemented in the current development branch. It will appear in gnucash 2.8, currently planned for release in 2017 or 2018.
Anonymous commented
There is am column (A) on the second line of Double Line display mode to indicate there is an attached file. Workaround to delete before version 2.8 appears: Copy the transaction, Delete it, then Paste it back into the register. The file association will be gone. You have to remember the transaction number and re-enter that if you care.
AdminGeert Janssens (Core Dev, GnuCash) commented
Regarding YeOldHinnerk's question about the release cycle. I believe this is something worth discussing as I'm not too happy with the current extremely long cycles and have a lot of pro's and cons to offer to evaluate. But a comment on a feature request is not the right place to do so. This is rather something for the gnucash-devel mailing list. If you start the discussion there, I'll certainly add my feedback in an effort to discover what is feasible with our currently small development team.
Paolo commented
This feature is more requested. An icon to view that file is asociated and the possibility to remove association. Thank you very much for your works
YeOldHinnerk commented
Let me use that opportunity to question the release cycle. I understand that major changes need a sufficiently long planning period and so it makes good sense to schedule release in a year or two.
But for smaller changes, such as this one, it would be much better to bring the benefit to the users as early as reasonable. An extra release would be asking too much, but to release it at the next possible opportunity, that seems reasonable. Essentially, small feature enhencements should be treated like bug fixes.
So, to make a long story short: Could you please release this (and possible other changes) with the next maintenance release?
Julien Meunier commented
Definitely a must. I'd even say, it would be good to have the file attached to the DB file (à la KeePass). That would be it.
Andy Pastuszak commented
Here is the bugzilla enhancement request:
Andy Pastuszak commented
I just submitted an enhancement request for this. Hopefully someone thinks it's a good idea, and it's something easy to code.
Jim Smith commented
I love being able to associate a file or file location (URL) with a transaction, but as mentioned here, we need a visual indicator of some kind so we know there is already one assigned, just in case we would like to view the associated document with one click instead of "right click to show associate file, associate location, open associated file or location" Currently you can only have one file or location associated anyway, so a small link in its own column would be perfect. I would suggest putting the "Link" column AFTER the balance column, as that would avoid any kind of tabbing confusion. In any case, that column should only have individual links clickable, not the entire column, and it should also be removed from the tab order (I am talking about the tab key on the keyboard, not the tabs per account in the display).
bastik commented
I'm new to GnuCash and it does not appear intuitive to me, so I assumed I would overlook the option to enable a visible indicator that a transaction has something linked to it.
Having a visual indication is why I came here to look if that is already suggested.
Additionally it would be nice to be able to link a file/location to a transaction while creating the transaction.