Enhance Online Bank Transactions Workflow
I use Gnucash für almost five years now for my private finances as well as for my company's. It's the best open source accounting software available. Thanks a lot for that!
Observing my personal workflow I realise that I spent most of the time in the online transactions tool inputting the accounts to be booked in. Although the Bayes algorithm is kind of a help here, it could easily be saved a lot of time with a few alterations.
Some ideas on that:
I. New online transactions import dialog.
It contains just one transaction at a time (instead of all the bank transactions it has right now) and adds a bottom line for orientation (e.g. # 34 of 110). The dialog shows basic transaction data (date, amount, description) and allows the user to specify the account counterparts for the booking (including split transactions). The former checkboxes ("new", "reconcile", "update+reconcile") would be buttons, that finish the current transaction and take you to the next one with the same click. Maybe it would come on handy to have a back button as well to get to the last transaction. The current import dialog could used as a summary afterwards. The bayes algorith can still be used as a proposal for each booking.
II. Booking shortcuts in the online transactions import dialog
A very powerful tool would be to introduce shortcuts for the accounting while in the import dialog. The user could specify a booking statement (e.g. "book the whole amount on 'groceries'" or "book the amount 50% to account A and 50% to account B"). These rules would be associated with a letter key so that the user just presses "A" and the whole transaction is booked with the assigned rule and the dialog changes directly to the next transaction. After a while we would be fast as hell!
III. Manual Rules for the Bayes Algorithm
It would be great, if the user could define custom rules like "amount equals xy" or "description cointains xy" or "bank account is xy" that are automatically evaluated in the import dialog overriding the proposal of the bayes algorithm. This would be especially helpful with the whole SEPA stuff in the EC, which will contain special IDs in the descriptions in the future.
Thanks for considering these ideas. It will probably be a bit of development to be done but it could save everybody a great deal of time! I would estimate on my personal usage behavior that it would reduce the time for imports to 20% or even less.

Elijah McNeish commented
Revamping the online transactions import dialog would be a huge time saver. Right now if I want to split some of the transactions, I set the account to "Orphan" so I can flag them for editing, which is horribly inefficient. It would also be nice to have the ability to edit descriptions for each line of a transaction (not just the transaction as a whole).
Also, it would be helpful to be able to pause a batch of online imports. As far as I can tell, there isn't a way to do this without losing your work.
Colin commented
I do not have the option of the online banking feed, but having the ability to create rules for transactions which are imported via ofx or csv would be very useful, and very time saving.
For example, I don't need to be reminded about the car payment, as it comes in via the ofx import. Similarly, all purchases at the local supermarket are groceries, and do not need to be manually allocated.