Allow multiple currencies/securities in QIF imports
It would be great if QIF imports could handle multiple currencies/securities in different split transactions.
My actual use case is to create a stock transaction that contains some split transactions due to tax withholding, regulatory fee, commissions.
Currently QIF investment transactions do not support split categories, so I could not use QIF investment transactions to represent the desired transaction.
Currently the normal QIF bank/split transactions do not support different currencies/securities in different splits so I could not use that either.
OFX format does not support split transactions either.
It seems only the CSV import supports my use case now. However, the CSV import is significantly slower than QIF import. Actually, it takes several minutes even if you only import 3-5 transactions. I suspect this is because the matching process is really slow.
In addition, unlike QIF import, the CSV import does not automatically match account names, instead a manual match is needed. Therefore, CSV import is apparently inferior to the QIF import.
It would be great if QIF import also supports different currencies/securities, in that case I don't need to use the inferior CSV import.