Add cleared balance column and check box
Allows user to reconcile running balance to daily bank transactions (check against online banking rather than end of month statement) but also see an overall balance of current and future transactions i.e. bills that are entered in to be paid, but not yet cleared. In short, a how much money I have, how much money the bank says I have right now.
As there is no response, I assume Cstim’s suggestion was sufficient to complete this request
AdminGeert Janssens (Core Dev, GnuCash) commented
Thank you for replying.
The cleared balance is available as cstim already mentioned.
There is not exactly a check box on each line. Gnucash instead provieds is a reconcile column which can be set to either n (not reconciled), c (cleared) or y (reconciled). This provides a superset of your request.
Jonathan Wegner commented
I didn't see the response, and have since gone back to using an Appleworks for Windows database that is configured as a checkbook register.
Two features that Appleworks has that I was looking for in Gnucash are 1) Shows a running cleared balance at the bottom of the page; and 2) has a check box to indicate which items have cleared. So if everything is checked, the running and cleared balance will be the same.
Admincstim (Core Developer, GnuCash) commented
Did you notice the "cleared balance" number at the bottom line of the account window? Is this the number you were looking for?