Provide a quick way to see the full path to the current file
I often work on different copies of files with the same name, e.g.
In the recent files menu, these show as:
And there's nowhere in the interface that I've found that shows the full path, so I don't know which is which. I pretty much avoid using the recent files menu to avoid making mistakes -- but gnucash also reopens the last-viewed file, which also could be any of them.
I could keep my filenames more distinct (but then what's the point of having folders?), but that doesn't help in cases where I'm looking at backup copies or something.

PRG commented
While having one opened, click on FILE then hover over the top file name from the list below PROPERTIES (1. NAME). You should have the path fully listed at the bottom-left of GnuCASH's window.
Jshrek commented
Good idea!