Sort transactions on Date&Number
Allow ordering of transactions by both date and number. Currently sorting by date only generally gives the required order, but can occasionally get mixed up if transactions are entered at different times (or on different machines). Sorting on date and number would allow the number to be used to achieve the required date order sequence (such as to match a bank account listing).

Another request came in which seems to clarify this issue. As it was sent by Anonymous I’m not sure it’s from the same person. As they deal with the same issue I have merged them together. A simple comment on this request would have been sufficient as well.
Anyway it looks the default sorting as you are asking for only happens on the register pages and not in the reports. I have reverted the status of this request.
MRK commented
Default sort is meant to be on date and number, but if transactions are entered at different times, or on different computers, the number sequence can be incorrectly ordered. The error occurs in both the ledger and a transaction report.
Example taken from transaction report:
Date Num
27-Jan-16 7
27-Jan-16 1
27-Jan-16 2
... etc ...Something about the underlying date value causes the date grouping to be different even though the date is shown as the same.