Add "Granularity" Option to "Future Scheduled Transaction Summary" Report.
For my original request details pls refer to "Bug 638644 - (Steffie) Scheduled Transactions need incorporation into Budget".
I raised my original request when i used v2.4.0, but months ago i upgraded to
v2.4.2 when i read that one of its enhancements was "Add a new report: Future Scheduled Transaction Summary". I thought this might address my previous
request, above. However it merely presents a summary for the specific items at the end of the nominated period [eg, end of month / year etc], and completely
omits all the interim ups and downs that are so critical to active budgeting.
Essentially this report lacks a “granularity” option… if it had this, it would become highly useful after all, once exported to Excel. If it had that enhancement, I could specify Daily or Weekly or Monthly subtotals, in which
case once I exported and charted it in Excel, it would become a highly
acceptable alternative to the Quicken Calendar Histogram.
It seems that the "hard work" has already mostly been done by providing that v2.4.2 enhancement... just a little extra work, to add the user-preferred sub-period granularity would result in a substantially enhanced product.
Tah. Steffie.