Reassociate already existing transactions with a bill/invoice
For example, you have a bill or invoice and payment relating to it gets recorded by some method other than the Business, Process Payment options, perhaps as a result of importing bank data. Rather than deleting the transaction and remaking it through the Business menu, why not just click some option to reassociate it with the invoice/bill, and let it mark that invoice/bill as payed if it's for the right amount. This can be a real time saver when you have a large number of transactions like this.

Implemented in SVN trunk, r21383.
J commented
In GnuCash 2.6.3 this seems to work fine for Invoices. But i have not found a way to make this work for Bills. Am I just not looking in the right place, or could this please be implemented for Bills as well?
Admincstim (Core Developer, GnuCash) commented
It will be in any 2.5.0 and 2.6.0 series, but they are not yet scheduled for release - maybe in January or February.
Alex Kotchnev commented
Very nice - any idea of what version this might be released ?
Hajo commented
If I can be of any help please drop a mail.
Burt commented
I will happily sponsor this feature for $600. My contribution to Gnucash for having served me for 8 years. Please let me know
Hajo commented
Sounds good. Please also see my Feature Request "clearing" which describes a more general approach than just invoice/payment matching.
Michael commented
Hi, agreed. At the moment, i have a workaround of looking at my bank transactions, and if I see an invoice payment (or part payment) then I manually pay the invoice so that when I import the bank transactions it will auto reconcile. While not terrible, it does add considerable time to the process. Would be great to be able to point at a bank transaction and associate with an invoice. I wrote a small XML script that does this. All I do is put a token in a string field of the transaction imported and then add the invoice lot number via the script.