Import-Export Client & Supplier Details
There desperately needs to be an option to export customers information. I
understand that there once was this option but it doesn't exist anymore?
I keep all of my customer data in gnu-cash, I would like to be able to export
everything in the "edit customer" window under the "customer" & "shipping
address" tabs - all to csv for use in spreadsheets (vCard format would be nice
too but not as useful).
company name, customer name, address, phone, fax, email, shipping address,
shipping phone, shipping fax, shipping email

The idea is well explained. The developers need to decide who’s going to work on this and when, but this idea will be considered in the near future.
Morgan commented
Opening a gnucash sqlite db and copying the customers table then pasting into LibreOffice Calc works fine... (Needs a bit of massaging, but not much.)
Anonymous commented
No update yet. :(
Is there any plan to implement this?
Anonymous commented
I know importing customers, vendors and employees data work fine, but, please, how is the progress going for EXPORTING those data? It would be very nice to export to a .csv file; not only for cross-aplication compatibility, but for interchanging data between Gnucash files too.
pps support commented
Year late!!! Post as reference
Anonymous commented
Hi. Has the customer information export ability got anywhere? I can sort of do it using aging reports and export but it only exports customers I have payed invoices for in the accounts. Admittedly this will cover a lot of the customers but there will still be some that are not covered.
Also is there a way to create a estimate / quote to send out to clients that can then be converted into an invoice if they like the price? Ive seen a few threds for these but most seem quite old and I cant see if anything has be done? Other than that great bit of free software. Thanks
pps support commented
A temporary solution.
Mike K. commented
Even more simple question, is there a way to transfer Customers from one Gnucash database to another? I've been using Gnucash for a couple years, think I finally have the hang of it, and want to start a new database with my current customers.
G.T. commented
Well a year has passed but unfortunately I do not see any improvements on this. There really should be an option to export the settings and to import them in a new database again. Could you please update this topic? Thank you.
G.T. commented
I just wonder whether their is any progress in getting it implemented. Could you please comment on it again? Thank you in advance.
G.T. commented
I really would appreciate an import-/export feature for clients and suppliers. It is a elementary and basic function of all accounting systems (except for gnucash). There is certainly a need to set up test- and training systems and it is more than nasty to key in all the data again. Further more it leads to an inconsistent data set e.g. between training and live systems. I really hope it does not will take long anymore before that feature is re-integrated again.
Admin[Deleted User] (Admin, GnuCash) commented
A client/customer import will be available soon(ish). Reading this has reminded me to add supplier import as well. I'm not working on exporting however.
Ian Turner commented
I realize that Gnucash is technically a GNOME application, but integration with KDE's akonadi PIM database could be one way to accomplish this. Then gnucash would not need to store the details itself, it could just query/update the database as necessary.
Jonathan commented
This option would literally have saved me days of effort had it existed when I decided to try converting from my spreadsheet method of accounting to GnuCash, 6 weeks into the accounting year. Although it's too late to help me with that phase, I'd still love to have my contacts (safely) synced with my Gmail business account, perhaps via import/export with Thunderbird if not directly, for future use and avoiding much duplication of effort. I use those contacts with my mobile device when I'm on the road a lot, too. And yes, I saw the bug report discussion that mentioned it's not likely to be implemented soon, but I wanted to add another voice to the weight of it anyway.
Admincstim (Core Developer, GnuCash) commented
Askarii commented
In sum, it would be great to have a tool to export the client/supplier details as a .txt or .csv format which would be compatible with, say Google Contacts, or thunderbird contacts.
The main goals are:
1. Transfering contact lists to/from GnuCash and Address books of other apps.
2. Not have to re-write all client/supplier details when you scrap/move/replace your GnuCash installation etc. -
Askarii commented
This might be possible very quickly by writing a python script that opens the
gnucash file, queries for all customers, and writes out some text-based format.
Example for working with a Customer object in python is in